The indoor gardening kit allows you to easily plant your own custom microgreens, packed full of nutrients and taste. Plant your seeds, feed them twice a day, and watch them develop in just one week! It’s the perfect outdoor holiday gift for the foodie, green-minded and eco-friendly family. Grow a bunch of the tasty, sweet, succulent microgreens inside this indoor gardening kit to enjoy during the cold winter months.
What is a microgreen? They are a group of flowering plants ranging from daffodils to strawberries. The microgreens in the indoor kit come in two varieties: wet and dry. The moisture planting microgreens requires that you fill a small pot about half full of well drained soil with about two inches of loosely packed organic soil. The dry microgreens are planted directly into your garden. Make sure to place the dry plant upside down into the water to keep it from drying out.
These tasty, succulent plants come in a variety of colors, but the most common is the purple-black. This lovely perennial can be used for all types of indoor growing. These amazing, small, delicious vegetables have low calories, high nutritional value and an extensive number of uses. Try using the indoors microgreens as a: quick fix for bland leftovers, a: quick fix for vegetarians, or a: tasty treat for children. The indoor growing microgreens will keep producing fresh, delicious leaves until next season, making them a year-round kitchen staple.
Indoor gardening needs a bit more attention than outdoor growing, because these plants need constant sunshine and the exact time of day that they are exposed to light. Indoor growing microgreens are most productive during the early morning hours when the sun is at its strongest. The sunlight is also very beneficial to the health of the indoor growing microgreens, giving them the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy growth. Indoor gardening also requires regular watering.
To begin indoor gardening, it is important to select the correct indoor gardening kit. There are a number of brands on the market today, from well known names to relatively unknown companies. Look for one that is manufactured in an FDA approved facility and contains safe, natural ingredients. Many companies sell kits containing low quality material that can encourage the growth of mold. Check carefully for any defects in the kit, as it is your responsibility to ensure that your plants are getting the proper nutrition they need.
Once you have selected an indoor kit, follow the instructions carefully. Make sure that all of the materials are included and that they are secure. Follow the instructions carefully so that your plants are not over-watered or too short or tall. If your growing microgolds indoors, you should check frequently that the moisture levels are adequate. Too much water or moisture will encourage mold growth. If your growing microgolds outdoors, you should monitor the weather and make changes to your planting schedule to allow for drying out.
Microgolds can provide a beautiful and interesting display in any home. They are particularly attractive growing in container soil. This allows you to have control over the type of plant life you have in your home and gives you the opportunity to experiment with different species. Most indoor growing kits have instructions and common care information to help you succeed with your plants. However, it is still a good idea to read through the literature that comes with your kit before you start growing.
Growing plants indoors using a micropore indoor gardening kit can be very rewarding if you select the right kit for your situation. With a little know-how, patience, and knowledge, you can have wonderful results. Be sure that you do some research and select a kit that is well suited for growing in your environment. It might take a few attempts to get things going but it will be worth the effort.