Many people are asking, “Can microgreens help you lose weight?”. This is a good question to ask as the health benefits of eating microgreens vs. vegetables is a question that many people have been asking but few answers have been forthcoming. Here I will explain the health benefits of eating microgreens vs. eating leafy vegetables.
Leafy vegetables are easy to store. They can last in your refrigerator for up to a year. However microgreens can last much longer! The reason is that the chlorophyll in the leafy vegetables breaks down and the nutrients and minerals from the leaves are used up before you even get to them. Microgreens contain an infinite amount of chlorophyll and this makes them better for you than leafy vegetables!
As a bonus, leafy vegetables are a bit pricey as well. You pay more money for more vegetables! If you are willing to spend a little more on a great tasting microgreens product, then by all means do so. After all, why should you have to pay more when you know that they cost a fraction of the price of comparable vegetables?
There are two additional benefits of eating microgreens over eating leafy vegetables. One benefit is that they taste better! I have been told that eating leafy vegetables can be very bland and boring and while microgreens certainly have a wonderful taste, they are much better than leafy vegetables in the sense that they taste better. This alone is worth the few extra dollars that you spend on eating microgreens over leafy vegetables.
Another benefit is that microgreens are much easier for your body to digest. They are mostly water-based, which makes them slightly more digestible that other vegetables. This will translate into your feeling fuller longer because your stomach won’t fill as much of it at once. In addition, your body will be able to release some of the excess gas that occurs with digesting vegetables since they are liquefied. This will help you feel less bloated after eating microgreens compared to other vegetables that aren’t as water-based.
Lastly, eating microgreens will give you more energy throughout the day. This is because they are chock full of the vitamins and antioxidants that we all need to stay healthy and live longer. It has been scientifically proven that we need more antioxidants in our diets if we want to lose weight. Leafy vegetables are very high in antioxidants so consuming them will only help you in your weight loss goals.
So are microgreens healthier? If you’re looking for a vegetable to include in your diet that is not only delicious but good for you as well as eating microgreens would be a great choice. The reason why it’s so great for you is because they have a lot of nutritional value that most leafy vegetables don’t. They are also very easy to digest, so your body will be able to release the excess gas from digesting without loading you up with digestive woes.
Now that you know how great these little vegetables are, what do you think about the other leafy vegetables out there? Chances are that you haven’t given any of them a fair shake yet. Don’t worry, though, because they’re going to change in appearance soon enough! Just remember that eating healthy and choosing fresh products like microgreens are always going to be better for your overall health than eating junk food. As long as you keep a balance between the two, you’ll be fine.
Are microgreens better for weight loss? Well, the best way to lose weight naturally is simply to burn more calories than you consume. Leafy vegetables are extremely low in calories, so eating them on a regular basis is a very good thing. What you can do when you cook them is marinate them or put them in some other cooking method that minimizes the amount of calories that you eat. When you’re doing this, you’re helping your body to release all of the excess fat on a daily basis, which helps to get rid of those unwanted pounds.
Do microgreens have other health benefits? One of the biggest advantages of eating leafy vegetables like microgreens is that they are loaded with antioxidants. This means that not only are they filling and satisfying, but they can help fight off the build-up of free radicals in your body that cause cancer. Since cancer is one of the leading causes of death around the world, it’s important that we make sure that we’re eating healthy and staying as healthy as possible. Antioxidants are a great way to do that.
Are microgreens healthier? If you haven’t tried eating fresh leafy vegetables, then you’re missing out! They are delicious, satisfying, and incredibly healthy. So, before you toss that bag of chips in the freezer, why not try some microgreens instead? You won’t be disappointed!